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Dr. Christopher Horvath

Chair and Associate Professor
STV Stevenson Hall 412a
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Teaching Interests & Areas

Philosophy of Biology Philosophy of Science Gender Studies

Research Interests & Areas

(Ph.D. Duke University) is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Biological Sciences. He is currently Chair of the Department of Philosophy. His research in evolutionary theory, phylogenetic systematics evolutionary psychology, and gender studies appears in numerous academic outlets including the Philosophy of Science, Biology and Philosophy, The Quarterly Review of Biology, and The Archives of Sexual Behavior. Professor Horvath has served as a visiting scholar in the Program for History and Philosophy of Science at Sydney University (Australia), and as a Fellow in History and Philosophy of Biology at Northwestern University. In addition to his appointment in Philosophy, Professor Horvath also has an adjunct appointment in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Ph D

Duke Univesity
Durham, North Carolina

David A. Strand Diversity Achievement Award

Illinois State University

Illinois State University Outstanding Service Award

Illinois State University

College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Service Award

Illinois State University


Why Build it Like That: Evolutionary Arguments Against Intelligent Design. Bloomington Normal Free Thinkers Society. (2014)
Constructing Masculinity. ISU FLAME. (2013)
Pre-theoretical Assumptions in Biological Explanations for Human Sexual Orientation. The 2013 Meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology. International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology. (2013)
Pre-theoretical Assumptions in Biological Explanations for Human Sexual Orientation. The 2013 Meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology. International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology. (2012)
Integrating History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology: David L. Hull's Contributions. The 2011 Meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology. International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology. (2011)
Testing Biological Hypotheses about Sexual Orientation: The Maternal Immune Hypothesis and Fetal T. Twenty-Second Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Philosophy of Science Association. (2010)