Dr. Eric Godoy
Associate Professor

STV Stevenson Hall
Office Hours
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- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
PhD from the New School for Social Research
Current Courses
400.001Independent Study
360.001Topics in Environmental Philosophy
236.001Values And The Environment
Teaching Interests & Areas
Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Social-Political Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Race, Gender and Sexuality
Research Interests & Areas
Collective Responsibility, Ecofeminism, Climate Change, Fossil Fuel Divestment, Conceptions of Nature, Philosophy of Games
Ph D Philosophy
The New School for Social Resarch
New York, NY
MA Philosophy
The New School for Social Research
New York, NY
BA Philosohpy
Rollins College
Winter Park, FL
College of Arts and Sciences Excellent Award for Outstanding Teaching (Pre-Tenure)
Illinois Status University
Outstanding University Teacher Teaching Initiative Award Nominee
College of Arts and Science
New Faculty Startup Award
Office of Research and Graduate Studies
Book, Chapter
Godoy, E. Divestment is a Shared Responsibility. Bob Fischer (EDs), College Ethics: A Reader on Moral Issues that Affect You, 2nd ed.. Oxford University Press (2020): 515-530.
Godoy, E. Going Fossil Free: A Lesson in Climate Activism and Collective Responsibility. Climate Change Research at Universities. Springer International Publishing (2017): 55–67.
Godoy, E. When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth: Forgetting Nature, Yet Again, in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. Jonathan Beever (EDs), Philosophy, Film, and the Dark Side of Interdependence. Lexington Books: 141-155.
Creative Works/Broadcast Media
Godoy, E. “5: Eric Godoy” Earth to Philosophy, season 1, episode 5. Podcast audio, May 11. https://shows.acast.com/earth-to-philosophy/. (2020)
Journal Article
Godoy, E. “Every Tree Fixed with a Purpose: Contesting Value in Olmsted’s Parks.” (2023)
Godoy, E. Sympathy for Cecil: gender, trophy hunting, and the western environmental imaginary. Journal of Political Ecology 27.1 (2020): 759-774.
Godoy, E. To Trump’s Chagrin, Non-nationals Are Still In (Commentary). Ethics, Policy & Environment 21.1 (2018): 42-44.
Leal Filho, Walter, Morgan, E., Godoy, E., Azeiteiro, U., Bacelar-Nicolau, P., Avila, L., Mac-Lean, C., & Huge, J. Implementing climate change research at universities: Barriers, potential and actions. Journal of Cleaner Production 170 (2018): 269-277.
Godoy, E. Sharing responsibility to divest from fossil fuels. Environmental Values (2017)
Newspaper, Article
Godoy, E. Socially Sustainable, Thoroughly Democratic Power. Blog of the American Philosophical Association: Climate Matters Series (2021)
Godoy, E., & Jaffe, A. We Don’t Need a ‘War’ on Climate Change, We Need a Revolution. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/31/opinion/we-dont-need-a-war-on-climate-change-we-need-a-revolution.html (2016)
Commentator on Manuel Rodeiro, “Fairness in Energy Transitions: Confronting Ecologically Tragic Situations,”. International Society of Environmental Ethics. (2023)
“Hypocrisy in the Context of Structural Injustice,”. North American Society for Social Philosophy. (2023)
Invited panel member for Green Screen film series. ISU Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology. (2023)
Invited panel member on Corporate Social Responsibility. Business Week Transition Seminars Event, School of Business, ISU. (2023)
Sustainability of Utility-Scale Solar PV Systems. Energy, Utility, and Environment Conference. EUEC. (2022)
Democracy, Justice, and Socially Sustainable Energy. Philosophy and the Climate Crisis Conference. Philosophers for Sustainability. (2021)
Energy Democracy and Sustainable Power. Annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Ethics. (2021)
Axiology in Olmsted’s Pastoral Transcendentalism. Annual Conference of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy. (2020)
Predators and Sympathy: The Political Ecology of Big Game Hunting. Second Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network. Oslo Metropolitan University. (2018)
The Death of a Lion: An Ecofeminist Account of Hunting Predators. Critical Political Economy Research Network 2018 Midterm Workshop on “Gender, Race, Class, and Ecology in and through Critical Political Economy,”. Instituto de História Contemporânea, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. (2018)
Grants & Contracts
Scott M. Elliott Cross-Disciplinary Pilot Grant. Department of Economics, College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2020)
Faculty International Travel Grant. Office of International Studies and Programs. Illinois State University.
International Seminar Series: Local and Global Environments in Conversation. International Studies Program. Illinois State University.
New Faculty Initiative Grant. Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University.