Dr. Tom Buller
STV Stevenson Hall 323g
Office Hours
MTWTh 2:00-3:00pm
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
101.003Basic Issues In Philosophy
255.001Modern Philosophy
255.002Modern Philosophy
Teaching Interests & Areas
Ethics, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, History of Philosophy
Research Interests & Areas
Bioethcs, Neuroethics, Philosophy of Mind
Ph D Philosophy
University of Tennessee
MA Philosophy
University of Waterloo
BA Philosophy
University of York
United Kingdom
Book, Chapter
Tom Buller 2021. “Neurociencia, Jucio Moral, y Conducta Voluntaria.” in Rabadan A. Desafios Bioethicos en Neurociencias del Siglo XXI: El Presente y el Futuro, Ediciones Journal (Argentina), 47-52.
Buller, T. Actions, Intentions, and Interfaces. Friedrich, O, Wolkenstein A, Bublitz C, Joe, R.J. (EDs), Neurotech Meets Artificial Intelligence. Springer: 11-24.
Journal Article
Tom Buller. 2015. “Advance Consent, Critical Interests, and Dementia Research.” Journal of Medical Ethics 41: 701-707.
Buller, T. Animal Minds and Neuroimaging: Bridging the Gap between Science and Ethics?. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23.2 (2014): 173-181.
Tom Buller. 2021. “Brain-Computer Interfaces and the Translation of Thought into Action.” Neuroethics 14: 155-165. doi.org/10.1007/s12152-020-09433-9